MeTA Toolbox
This toolbox contains the ‘tools’ that can be explored and applied by countries who want to improve access to essential medicines by increasing transparency in the medicines supply chain through the creation of a multi-stakeholder alliance. They range from guidance on household surveys that identify how medicines are used by patients to the types of medicines in short supply in a specific region.
Experience has shown that the development of MeTA needs to be highly sensitive and responsive to the existing structures, procedures and individuals of a country. The guidance offered is indicative only – the tools have often been applied at different stages and in different ways in each of the countries.
The tools have been categorised into core tools that are viewed as fundamental to success and those which are helpful but not essential. The tools have also been categorised by the ‘phase’ they might best be applied in.
For each tool there is an outline of its objective and its output and some additional information on the resources and skills required for its implementation. There are also examples of where the tool has been successfully used.