MeTA Resources
MeTA Annual Review 2014
Download MeTA Annual Review 2014 (pdf document 629 Kb)
MeTA Logframe
The purpose of this document is to provide a clear logical explanation of the international ambition of the MeTA workplan. The document contains targets and milestones against which the programme of work can be measured.
Download MeTA Logframe (xls document 60 Kb)
MeTA Entry Criteria
The purpose of this document is to outline the entry criteria for countries wishing to join MeTA . The document outlines both essential and desirable criteria for entry. The procedure to request entry is also outlined. Entry to the Medicines Transparency Alliance initiative:
Download MeTA Entry Criteria (pdf document)
MeTA Exit Criteria
The purpose of the MeTA Exit Criteria is to outline the criteria that may lead to the withdrawal of administrative, technical and financial support from the MeTA international secretariat to MeTA country programmes. The process by which consideration of termination of support is to be communicated is also outlined
Download MeTA Exit Criteria (pdf document)
Guidance for Workplan Submissions
MeTA ‘s core hypothesis is that the disclosure of key medicines data - putting data into the public domain - will make the workings of the pharmaceutical sector, including the supply chain, more transparent, and that this will enhance efficiency, incentivise responsible business practice, and increase the accountability of key stakeholders – to each other and to the public.
The Guidance for Workplan Submissions provides advice and guidance to existing and prospective MeTA countries – and specifically their national Secretariats and multi-stakeholder groups or Councils – as they take steps towards establishing the practice of routine disclosure of key medicines data.
Download Guidance for Workplan Submissions (pdf document)
MeTA Toolkits
MeTA Toolkits are practical guides for anyone working on issues relating to MeTA. Each toolkit covers a particular area of work and comprises a number of ‘How to…’ guides
MeTA Publications
MeTA Publications are resources that have been produced by the International MeTA Secretariat and relate to the work of MeTA.
MeTA Civil Society Organisations (CSOs)
Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) have a long history of involvement on health and access to essential medicines, consumer protection and promotion of transparency, including many national as well as international groups. In-country CSOs are focused on health in different ways – as service providers, advocates for rights, or providers of care and support for people with specific health problems. The inclusion of CSOs as one of the three stakeholder groupings in the MeTA pilot is therefore entirely appropriate.
The MeTA Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) end of pilot report provides an overall reflection on CSOs within MeTA during the pilot period 2007-2010. It includes a list of lessons learned and recommendations for future involvement of CSOs in development of the MeTA approach to medicines access and transparency. It also provides a country-by-country analysis of the process and learning gained relating to each of the seven MeTA CSO coalitions.