MeTA tools to collect and disclose data on medicines
Posted on 1 December 2009
The MeTA programme aims to test the idea that cooperation and commitment by stakeholders in the seven MeTA pilot countries to disclose and analyse data around the medicines supply chain will lead to better access to essential medicines. In testing this hypothesis a number of tools are being developed and applied by multi-stakeholder groups and other researchers and institutions.
The tools include: a pharmaceutical sector baseline scan; a disclosure tool; a household and health facility survey; communication and media scan; private sector, civil society and supply chain mapping; drug price monitoring; and rational use assessment tool. Institutions involved in developing and using these tools include the World Health Organization, Harvard University, Health Action International and the Institute of Development Studies.
For a comprehensive list of the tools being applied during the MeTA pilot phase and by whom, click here
The November 2009 MeTA newsletter focuses on the topic of medicines data collection and dissemination It includes four new stories which may be of interest:
- MeTA Ghana: medicines data collection and disclosure as it is happening; Daniel Arhinful, MeTA Ghana
- Scoping the impact of regulation on medicines promotion; Carole Piriou, Project Officer, Health Action International Global
- Baseline data collection for the MeTA process; Samia Said, MeTA Consultant
- Assessing the baseline pharmaceutical sector situation in MeTA pilot countries; Catherine Vialle-Valentin and Dennis Ross-Degnan, Harvard Medical School
Categories: Availability, Ghana, Jordan, Key Issues, Kyrgyzstan, Multi-stakeholder, Peru, Philippines, Prices, Promotion