Flagship Course on Pharmaceutical Policy Reform
Flagship Course on Pharmaceutical Policy Reform
Developed by: Department of Global Health and Population at Harvard School of Public Health / World Bank Institute / MeTA
Objective: To introduce participants to a practical and comprehensive framework for understanding pharmaceutical systems and their performance, as well as a structured approach to developing pharmaceutical system reform policies to improve that performance.
Output: Trained participants from governments, private sector and civil society organisations (CSOs) on how to apply the WBI flagship framework for pharmaceutical sector reform.
Additional information: This course applies the Flagship Framework for health sector reform to pharmaceutical policy as piloted in Jordan in January 2010 for the seven MeTA pilot countries. It provides participants with a practical approach for analysing pharmaceutical sector performance and for designing and implementing effective reform initiatives.
Process and resource: The online training modules do not require external technical assistance, but taking part in a training course as part of WBI is recommended. Contact course directors, Professor Michael Reich and Professor Marc Roberts for further information.
Link to the tool: www.flagshippharmacourse.org - to log in create an account, with your email as user ID; and your own password. The materials are available for free to registered users of the website.